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Farm Journal May 22-May27

Alright, you know how I said that last week was tiring? That was nothing compared to this week! The veggies have grown, some a little too much (radishes, I’m looking at you), and all of my water woes from a few weeks back are gone. In fact, I’ve been watering the garden every other day! NPR reported that this is the first 13 day streak of no-rain during a Seattle May since 1995. I’ll take it! The dry weather has FINALLY dried our fields out enough and since the plot is relatively small, there is no problem watering it. I spent a lot more time over at our house, which was nice and felt more like my past farming life (though, of course, now with my sweet little sidekick in tow). I have a picnic blanket set up under the apple trees with toys and water bottles for Stella and every couple hours we go inside for a snack and a diaper change. Sometimes she pads out into the field to see what I’m doing and I’ve gotten so used to seeing her in her big purple hat that when she takes it off, she looks like a slightly different person.

An afternoon nap under the apple tree.

Most of the transplants are now safely in the ground and I also put in more chois, lettuces, radish, negi, burdock (gobo), carrots, beets, cukes, summer squashes, and pole beans. We’re experimenting with edamame! One day I worked at the Greenwoodes plot for a few hours and then came home and planted here til dark. Phew! But Awesome! A foggy little selfie. Around 9pm and almost done.   Twilight over the freshly planted seeds. It was so nice having James around, too. He mended our fence to keep the free-range chickens out of the entire plot, first by dropping the fence panels down to close the gaps and then by sewing a canvas flap under the gates that are weighted with sand but still easy enough to open. Glad to have such a handy dude.   Keeps the chickens out and the baby in. And (drumrollllllllll) We Will Be At The Market This Saturday!! Come by and visit! The season started late so this isn’t going to resemble the abundant market stall come mid-August, but it’s still a delicious start. I may even bring the sidekick.
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Farm Journal

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